K's Niche
This Month:

A mind that has been stretched will never return to its original dimension.”

Les Brown

Learning is a continuous process. It does not stop after we graduate from college. It continues on. When we learn, we grow. Not only in knowledge but as a person. Whether you are learning something new or re-learning something old, the good thing about it is that you are learning. What do you want to learn today? Tomorrow? Maybe a new language? Maybe you want a re-learn something like play an instrument? Maybe you want to update yourself in your chose craft or industry? In my profession, I need to update myself of the new trends and techniques from time to time. I would even re-learn old theories and concepts just to better myself in my craft. I try to be open-minded to new ideas and concepts. This helps me to be more creative, more resourceful the next time I facilitate a training and development program. This not only benefits me but most of all, I keep in mind that it would benefit my learners more.

Whatever you want to learn today or tomorrow, make sure you have the right attitude to learning. When I facilitate a training program, I always keep in mind that my learners does not have the same learning levels nor do they have the same attitude towards learning. Some may be persistent and determined and some may be timid and will easily give up. Like us, we may sometimes feel frustrated when learning something. That is normal. If you are the one teaching though, you need to not be the first one to get frustrated. You need to recognize your learners' frustration and know how to deal with it. Encourage do not discourage.

The next time you find yourself trying to learn something – whether re-learning something old or learning something new – observe the stages you are going through and how you feel and how you react and how you dealt with yourself and your frustrations. This way, you can pass this on to your learners when it is your turn to teach them.

This Month’s Action Plan:

Want to become better at learning than you are now? Ask these questions:

  • What is my attitude when it comes to learning?

  • What are the stages I go through when learning something?

  • What are my reactions? My frustrations? Any obstacles to learning?

  • How do I see myself after this experience?

3 Quick Ideas to Help You Have the Right Attitude in Learning:
  • Be open-minded. Some people do not learn anything or do not learn right because they tend to close their minds to new ideas. They already have a reaction to everything they come across to that they already have a mindset to begin with. You need to have a clean slate when trying to learn something in order for you to learn it.

  • Focus and concentrate. Give your undivided attention when learning something. If you are distracted, you will not learn a thing.

  • Know how to deal with your frustrations. Some deal with it by giving up once a sign of frustration comes. Do not have this kind of an attitude. Figure out what it is that is frustrating you? Is it the subject matter? Is it you temporary inability of “getting it”? Remember that learning something new does not always come easily at times. We may sometimes need to go over a material several times before we get it. So, go ahead and allow yourself to be frustrated because it is normal. However, make sure that you get back right on track and not stay frustrated forever.

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