K's Niche
Remember when you were a kid? The first books we had were books with more pictures or drawings than written words. Remember those pop-up books? I remember enjoying reading them over and over again. I loved looking at the pictures or drawings and learn the story or narration through seeing the picture or drawing and becoming familiar with them. I love those pop-up books and other interactive books where you get to touch something to move a character of object in the book or just feel the different textures. One day when I was looking for the first books I want to read to my baby before she is born and once she is born, I looked for those pop-up ones or the interactive ones since I want her to be able to touch and see things pop out of a book than just seeing drawings or pictures. The books that my mom read to me or gave to me when I was little where the same so I want my baby to experience it as well. With that, when we were little, this is our first taste of visual learning. When you facilitate a training program, you need to keep in mind the learning styles of your trainees. Some take in and learn when you just talk about a subject matter, while others need visual aids to understand more what you are talking about. I would go more for making your training more visual since most of the time, majority of your learners are visual learners. Plus, this gives you freedom to be more creative in presenting your concepts or theories. Another advantage to this is that your learners will appreciate it more that you have given thought and time to your learners' needs and education. You have designed your program for your learners and not for you alone. Some facilitators just settle in discussing a concept or theories without further thought if their learners will understand it the way they do. They would rather do things that are convenient for them rather than for their learners. When you take this road, you will find that your learners will not fully grasp the material during and even at the end of the training. Starting right now, look at how you are presenting your program. Bear in ind, that you may easily understand what you are talking about but ask yourself if your trainees will as you intend to present the material. If the answer you come up with is no or maybe. Then it is time to change your approach. Make it better to make sure that your learners will get that takeaway you want them to get once the training is over.

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