K's Niche
If Hero means sincere man, why may not every one of us be a Hero?’
Thomas Carlyle

Action Heroes, Super Heroes I believe have been part of any child’s life. Growing up, we adored them, love to be them, pretend to be them. We watch movies about them, read stories about them and just root for them to win when battling and beating the villains they encounter. But we all know that they are fictional heroes, created from the minds of very talented comic book artists, writers. In every day life, we have True Heroes whom we never notice from time to time. If you look around you – you just might see one you missed out seeing all these years.

I like the song “Holding Out For A Hero”. If you have watched Shrek 2, then you probably heard of this song. I would like to bring it closer to home – where we, as Front liners in the Customer Service industry, we can be Heroes to our customers. Picture this in your mind. A customer calls your Hotline number. Most of the time – and if there are a lot of calls – a customer would have to wait on the line before a representative can answer his call. He or she would wait his or her turn, unbearably listening to the repetitive “hold” music for minutes on end until a human voice actually comes on on the line. A typical scenario.

You may ask, ‘why do I say he or she is holding out for a hero?’ Simply for two reasons: One: he or she wants to be saved from that dreadful, repetitive ‘hold’ music. And Two: he or she wants someone to help him or her with his or her concern or problem. Don’t heroes do that? Save and help? Let me ask you this then. Do you do that to your customers? Save and help them? If so, how many times in a day do you really save and help your customers? Lucky for the customer if he or she is assisted well by that representative, then we could truly say that that customer found his or her hero for the day. But what about for those customers who were left on hold – or worse – not answered and abandoned, forever lost in the ‘hold’ music and ends up as another statistic in the abandonment rate report.

Whether fictional or real, being a hero is a tough job. People depend on you. They expect you to do the right thing. They know that you ‘walk the talk’. They expect you to have the answers and if you don’t, they expect you to find the answers, have the solution in mind. They expect you to be there to help and save them all the time. But then again, these things aren’t so hard to accomplish, right? When you think about it, these are pretty much ordinary things any human being can do or can be. Do you do these things now? If so – good for you! If not, why not?

Remember, you can be a hero to the customers you give service to today, tomorrow and the days to come. Your customers look up to you to help them with their concerns, save them from their problems with your services or products and when you do, you will be their hero for the day – even for a lifetime. Let’s face it, heroes aren’t born extraordinary. They are extraordinary because they chose to be. How about you?

This Month’s Action Plan:

Want to become better than you are now? Ask these questions:
  • In all this time, have I been a ‘Hero’ to a customer?
  • How have I been assisting my customers lately?
  • Can customers depend on me to help and save them from the problems they are encountering with the service or product?
  • Do I want to be extraordinary?
3 Quick Ideas to Help You Become the Hero You Can Be With Your Customers:
  • Remember to be a Hero to your customers by doing the following: (1) Be dependable, (2) Walk the talk, (3) Do the right thing, (4) Know the answers, or if you don’t know them, find them, and lastly, (5) Help and save your customers.
  • Do not be ‘just a hero’…be an Extraordinary Hero to your customers. When you do, they will be your lifetime customers.
  • You will always have a choice. Choose wisely.
PLUS: Something to Ponder About When I was thinking of what to write about for this month, I was browsing through the internet on articles about Heroes and I came across this site http://myhero.com/myhero/go/directory/ . It is an interesting site and I thought of sharing it with you. I even added another category that I hope describes you. Hope you like it.

Angels People who have lifted our spirits and given us hope through acts of kindness. Animals We honor animals who have saved lives and soothed spirits, and the people who have devoted their lives to helping animals.
Artists Painters, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, actors and designers who have shared their talents and brought us a new vision of life.
Business Entrepreneurs who have successfully created businesses with regard for the needs of the community.
Community Citizens who have contributed to their communities in many ways.
Earthkeepers Conservationists and activists who have dedicated their lives to preserving the environment for future generations.
Explorers Adventurers who celebrate the spirit of discovery.
Faith Heroes who have taken their inspiration from a higher calling.
Family We honor heroes within our families and those who have been like family to us.
Freedom Individuals who have stood up for justice and human rights for all people.
Hero's heroWho inspires our heroes?
Heroes in the News Associated Press stories which highlight current events about people who are making a difference in the lives of others.
Lifesavers Lifeguards, firemen, neighbors and strangers who have gone out of their way to save a life.
Literary Characters in books and movies who have charged our imaginations with their acts of heroism.
Musicians Composers and singers whose meaningful lyrics, music, and concerts have benefited others.
Peacemakers Leaders who have worked passionately to promote peace and justice in the world.
Poets These heroes use language to change the way we look at the world and help us to connect with one another.
Scientists Astronomers, chemists, physicists, and doctors who have advanced our understanding of how the world works.
Sports Athletes and coaches whose incredible feats have inspired us to do our best.
Teachers Educators who have helped us discover our potential for success.
Women Women from all walks of life are heroes.
Writers Authors whose writings have enriched and given meaning to our lives.
Extraordinary Heroes who chose to care about their customers.
Young Heroes Young people who did not let their age deter them from their commitment to help make a difference.